Prettiest Rose Competition
Enter our Prettiest Rose Competition
As part of the Sun newspaper’s “The Nation’s Prettiest Rose Competition” we will be running St Bridget’s Prettiest Rose alongside.
To enter this competition, all you need to do is: Pick the prettiest rose from your garden, pop it in a non-returnable labelled bottle and bring it to one of our centres by
12 Noon on the 23rd of June for us to display. Winners announced at 2pm. One lucky winner from each of our two Garden Centres will receive a stunning St Bridget Nurseries rose hamper worth £50. In addition to this prize, a photo of the winning roses will be posted on, where Peter Seabrook, Steve and Val Bradley will judge “The Nation’s Prettiest Rose”. The top prize is £1,000, with a second prize of £500 and a third prize of £250! Winners announced on 30
th June in The Sun newspaper.